Episode 78: Ron Minson
Ron Minson, MD is double boarded in psychiatry and neurology. Dr Ron has taken a unique path in his medical practice and was the first physician trained in Tomatis’ sound therapy in North America and co-founded the fourth center of its kind in the US in 1990. Integrated Listening System or iLS is an exciting therapy with potential to heal complex neurologic and psychiatric disorders. Dr Ron will take us on a journey highlighting his practice. https://integratedlistening.com/
Dr Ron has been medical director of Integrated Listening System since its founding in 2007 and with its predecessor, Dynamic Listening Systems, since 2001. In 1989, Dr. Ron was originally trained by the grandfather of neurologic healing through listening, Dr. Tomatis, and opened a center the following year. Dr Ron has dedicated his professional life to the practice of sound therapy in clinical practice with children and adults who have complex neurologic disorders. He now devotes his time supervising tough cases that cause many to scratch their heads, assisting with updating and editing clinical training manuals, writing and educating about his experience in this field. Dr Ron shares his valuable insights into brain healing through sound therapy.
Dr Ron shares this thought about himself: If you had a super power, what would it be and why? The power to dissolve all disention, greed, hatred, abuse of power and to end world hunger.