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Welcome to the Art and Soul of Healing, a place to learn more about Integrative and Functional Medicine Nutrition Therapy.

Episode 57: Lyn Patrick, ND Part 3

Episode 57: Lyn Patrick, ND Part 3


Today we are revisiting Dr Lyn Patrick a naturopathic doctor and a leading light in the practice of environmental health and detoxification. Lyn has over 35 years of experience in environmental medicine, endocrine disruption, metal toxicology, and other chronic disorders. We will continue with advice for practitioners and consumers alike.

Dr Lyn Patrick is a founding partner and presenter at the Environmental Health Symposium, an annual environmental conference based in the US but serving  practitioners worldwide.  Lyn also educates primary care providers about environmental medicine through Environmental Medicine Education International. Her insights are a treasure.

Here are the links!

CrinnionOpinion: Clinical Training in Environmental Medicine:

Environmental Health Symposium:
Dr Patrick's podcast (it's a subscription newsletter):


Episode 58: Lyn Patrick, ND Part 4

Episode 58: Lyn Patrick, ND Part 4

Episode 56: Mike Bauerschmidt Part 2

Episode 56: Mike Bauerschmidt Part 2