Episode 35: Jeanne Drisko: The Mediterranean Diet
We will be exploring what the Mediterranean Diet is and is not. Please see https://oldwayspt.org/traditional-diets/mediterranean-diet and https://www.anhinternational.org/resources/documents/180531-food4health-adultplate-rev22/
The traditional Mediterranean Diet is characterized by a high intake of vegetables, fruits, nuts, legumes, and mainly unrefined, minimally processed grains like rice and oats; an abundant fat intake from virgin olive oil, through salads, traditionally cooked vegetables, and legumes; a moderate consumption of fish and shellfish, a low consumption of meat and meat products; with the consumption of wine during meals. Fermented dairy products (cheese and yogurt) are allowed in moderate amounts. The Mediterranean Diet is NOT the Standard American Diet. We will see why that is and why you should make the switch today.